Here are some tips on how to use excel 2007:

When start excel- open a file called workbook( each new comes with three work sheets),
first workbook is called book 1.

Creating a new workbook:
1. Office button
2. Click new
3. In the new workbook button, click blank workbook
> Intersection of column A and row 3 is called cell A3( which is called cell reference )
> Cells are where data goes
First cell in the upper corner of the work sheet is called the active cell- any cell selected becomes an active cell out lined in black.

Enter data
You can use excel to create budget, work with taxes, record students grades or attendance, or list prodects you sell.
First start with column titles> anyone who share your work sheet can understand what the data mean, You will often want to enter row titles too.
Create a list of sales people names. The list will also have dates of sales, with their amounts.
Column titles needed- Name- Date and Amount.
Type Name in cell A1 and press TAB, Then type Date in cell B1, and type Amount in cell C1.
For dates you should use slash ( 7/16/2009) or a hyphen ( 16-July-2009) for excel to recognise either as a date.
Excel aligns text on the left side of cells, but it aligns dates on the right side of cells.
To enter time type the numbers, a space, and then a or p, ie. 9:00p. If you put in just the numbers, excel recognize a time and enters it as AM.
To enter amount, type the dollar sign($) followed by the amount.
The next post will be about how to enter other numbers, quick ways to enter data and how to edit data and revise worksheets.